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Why Use Us?

Most consumers are unaware or don't realize that in order to be a competent jewelry appraiser, the appraiser must possess two critical prerequisites and an important third component.  The first is Gemological Education and Training.  The second is Jewelry Appraisal Education and Training.  These two elements combined are the foundational structure upon which a competent Jewelry Appraiser is built upon.  The final component is skill and experience within the jewelry industry as an appraiser.


Merely owning a jewelry store or working in the jewelry industry does not qualify a person as being a competent Jewelry Appraiser whose conclusions will hold up in a court of law.


At (FGE), we pride ourselves on having completed the required gemological education and training administered by The Gemological Institute of America, (GIA).  Our credentials in gemology are a testament to our proficiency and dedication to excellence.


In addition to gemology we also possess educational training and credentials that are required by The National Association of Jewelry Appraisers (NAJA).  Our appraisals conform to the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) as adopted by the U.S. Congress in 1989.  As an alumni of (GIA) and an active member of the (NAJA), we have the education, training, skills and know how backed by over two decades of experience in the industry to accurately and competently appraise your jewelry. When you compare appraisal services Forbes Gemological Evaluation is the logical choice for your appraisal needs.


Don't settle for anything less!

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